This is a collection of thoughts and statements about things that annoy me. I am a big, angry man. Hear me roar, or piss off and give me peace.

Friday, December 14, 2007

German ingenuity gone a bit awry...

The Register gleefully reports that a 64 year old German drank an entire litre bottle of vodka when he was told that he could not take the bottle on the plane as hand luggage. (No doubt in case of Terrrrrrirrrrrr).

Sadly, the after-effects were not so hot, and a doctor was called who diagnosed alcohol poisoning...

I would be sorely tempted to do that sort of thing myself with a fine bottle of single malt, since one really doesn't want one's fine whisky being thrown about in the hold...


Anonymous said...

Is this the same “Angry Steve” that has threatened and terrorized my family for years? The same crazy, ignorant poor excuse for a man that his own father shot? I hope it is, and I hope you respond. You ran off to the safety of another country and send your little reminders letting us know that you are still around. If you are any kind of “man” at all you will come deliver your messages in person. But we all know that won’t happen. You are no man. As a little girl I was afraid of you, I am no longer afraid of you. You are a sorry waste of space and I dream of the day that I can see your face again and see you take one last breath. My parents let you threaten them and their family and get away with it. I will not let you do that to my family.

Angry Steve said...

Maybe I am, maybe I am not.

If you weren't anonymous, I'd know, and be able to tell you.

Anonymous said...

If it's you, you know where to find me.