This is a collection of thoughts and statements about things that annoy me. I am a big, angry man. Hear me roar, or piss off and give me peace.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Reductio ad Hitlerum

It would seem Al Bore is playing the Hitler card...

The Hootsman reports:
"CLIMATE change poses as great a threat to civilisation as the Nazis did during the Second World War, former US vice-president Al Gore said yesterday."

I wonder when I'll get locked up for AGW denial...


Brian said...

Shame the only real quote in the article is about Churchill, not Hitler. Sounds more like spin from the Scotsman...

Mark said...

What Brian said :) Also, you might enjoy Thomas Fuller's take on it:

"there is another war that springs to mind. A war that was promoted through the use of lies and fear-mongering, dodgy statistics and dossiers that 'proved' civilisation was threatened, when in fact nothing of the sort was the case. It's more recent, too."

Mike Smith said...

Tree-hugging hippies...