This is a collection of thoughts and statements about things that annoy me. I am a big, angry man. Hear me roar, or piss off and give me peace.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Greenpeace miss the point, yet again

Apparently Greenpeace want us all to live in mud huts without electricity.

Nuclear power is the only decent alternative to fossil fuel fired power stations in this country. No amount of climbing around on a roof is going to change that.

Renewables just don't provide enough reliable energy - it's as simple as that, and these hippies need to get it into their thick skulls that pissing and moaning isn't helping their cause. Remember Brent Spar?

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Mother blames school for not disciplining her child

Let me get this right...

A woman is blaming the school for her 10 year old daughter being suspeded 10 times from school because she doesn't have time to discipline her properly...

Let me run that one by you again... It's your fault that I can't keep my child in line? Nope. Still doesn't quite sit right, does it?

"Because I have to go to work I don't have time to be strict."

Bring back the birch... for the mother.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Stepping out for a cigarette... at 30,000ft

Well, here we have an idiot wanting to go for a cigarette mid flight:

Perhaps they should have opened the door and let her out.

Aircraft should come with little disposal chutes for passengers like these. That and screaming children. I used to fly transatlantic with monotonous regularity, and after the indignity of being prodded and poked at security, treated like a criminal by immigration, the last thing you need is some fruitcake trying to open the door mid flight.

These people scare me.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Firearms for the Police

First off, I would like to add my condolences to those already expressed by the British people to the families and friends of the murdered Police Officer in Bradford, and wish a speedy recovery to the wounded officer in hospital.

I have been reading the papers, and various news websites, most of which have included letters from the public. I think I shall add my tuppence worth here.

There are a few schools of thought - Arm the police. Keep the status quo. Ban all guns. Bring back the death penalty for those who kill police officers.

Here are a few thoughts on each:
  • Death Penalty. Don't be daft. We'll tie ourselves in knots if we get into that one again. Let sleeping dogs lie.
  • Ban all guns. Haven't we done that already? Oh, no - we've stopped law abiding citizens from keeping licenced firearms, and enjoying recreational shooting with pistols because they couldn't be bothered to apply the existing laws. Yes, that's a Labour Government we have to thank for that. The populus cannot carry firearms, and so are relying on the Police to protect them, which brings us nicely into...
  • Maintain the status quo - well, that clearly hasn't worked in this case... It does seem to work in most cases though. I have to admit, I am still pretty comfortable with this option. Trouble is... what happens if another situation like this occurs... We'll rely on the local police officer saying "Stop! Or I'll have to ask you to stop again!" once again, and when something like this happens again, we will be back here, asking the same questions. I have got news for you people: criminals have firearms, and are not afraid to use them!
  • Arm all of the police officers... People seem to have a fear of firearms, rather than a fear of the people (of the criminal persuasion) who have firearms. People seem to have been watching too many films, westerns and perhaps Police Academy, and seem to think that an armed police force will bring about the end of civilisation. Apparently some citizens in Edinburgh felt intimidated simply by the increased Police presence during the G8. Why? Feeling guilty, perhaps? I have worked in the US (Texas) and shared office buildings with SWAT, Vice and Gang units - sharing elevators with armed officers on a daily basis. Did I feel intimidated? No. They were there to protect me. Same with armed officers here. Edinburgh does have a few dotted around. They are here for my protection. Why should them carrying a firearm make me feel any different?
If we go down the road of arming all Police, do we get to ask the question, what is so special about the police? Why can't we be armed and protect ourselves? I find this all very odd.

So today, I am not so much angry, as sad.